Con LIVE ANIMAL SHIPPING, tu mascota siempre viaja
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¿Cómo valoraría la atención recibida por Live Animal Shipping?

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Del 1 al 5, cómo recomendaría a Live Animal Shipping

Valoraciones de Clientes

Eizabet Lopez

Valoracion Media:


Hola muy buenas tardes, quería agradecerles mucho por el buen trabajo de ustedes! mi perrito lixi llego super bien, y esta muy feliz en Canadá sano y salvo y excelentes atenciones con el, y con nosotros muy buena atencion. Gracias!....

Dunia Aguero

Valoracion Media:


Una gran experiencia traer mis mascotas con ustedes desde Fortaleza Brasil, mucho profesionalismo, calidad Humana y servicio.


Valoracion Media:


This was the best experiences I have ever had with international shipping. Roosevelt was so efficient, trustworthy, and reliable. My goods were picked up as arranged and arrived in Canada before I did. They were packaged and documented very well. I highly recommend Roosevelt and his company.')


Valoracion Media:


Thank you so much for everything!! It was a smooth, easy transition for my dog from Costa Rica to Atlanta, Georgia! I highly recommend Live Animal Shipping!


Valoracion Media:


My Dogs Colar Was Off When I Got Him And He Had Not Had Any Food Given To Him, The Direction Where To Pick Him Up Were Wrong! The Pickup Location Was 2 Miles Away, There was no information That Delta Was Going To Charge Me $50 Dollors More To Pickup The Dog Or That I Would Have To Go To Imagration To get Papers Stamped Before Delta Would Release My Dog To Me.

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